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@ookaze and bdbdbd----> So who really have to blame on lack of core games on the Wii arent Ninty themselves but the third parties, so do you mean that even with Ninty not restricting third parties on producing games theyre too stubborn to not make worthy games on the Wii?

We are always blaming on things arent we? So its those third parties and not Ninty had to blame, but why even me thinks Ninty have to blame? I think its our human natrure.

So the question is... what is the problem with 3rd parties anyway?!! Do 3rd parties really wants to produce games on HD consoles even the risk of developing it? And not the leader the Wii? Do even 3rd parties knew what will happened in 2009 if this sales of Wii continues to happen?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out