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I think you have it backwards and have selective memory.
Nintendo put out core games of several kind. Same for some 3rd parties.
But you come off like it's Nintendo's fault that the "hardcore" players didn't buy them.
Of course this is nonsense. This is partly "hardcore" players (or people like you)'s fault that these games didn't sell a lot. If SMG doesn't sell anymore or far lower than Wii Fit, that's entirely this "hardcore" crowd's fault.
The other part to blame are the 3rd parties. Where are the "hardcore" games from them?
See? You can choose to be blind, like I'm seeing constantly this gen. Blind in the meaning of ignoring all the Nintendo core and "hardcore" games.
3rd parties can stay blind, like for DS/PSP, choosing to ignore the best market for their games.
But the facts won't change.
They show how the Wii, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Wii Music, ... are genius' works.
You can stay safe in the middle, doubting the effect of these Nintendo innovative games and hardware. But Nintendo put money and took big risk in this venture, and they reap the reward.