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Paul_Warren said:

"They bottom line if you can't see from that chart on the front page is that demand is simply enormous making the Wii the fastest selling console in history. When you're already the fastest selling console you don't need to create artifical shortages. Heck, you have a real one...."

I don't queston that there is demand for the Wii. What I question is what is creating it, and it can't be strength of game library because when you look at almost any leading gaming publication, you see that Nintendo's games don't generally rate that high in comparison to what is on the other current gen consoles. It can't say that it has the highest rated game of this generation as the N64 did. That honor goes to GTA IV on the PS3 and 360 (PS3 version rated higher). It can't say that it has a wealth of strong titles because once again the PS3 and 360 blow it out of the water when it comes to that. So what is driving this great demand for the Wii? Apparenly it is the fact that it has been hyped enough in the right circles to generate enthusiasm among those that don't know much about games. The Wii is kind of like a Hannah Montana album compared to a Tom Waits album. An inferior product but longtime Nintendo fans don't care and those other users that Nintendo has been able to attract  with what I think is called the Blue Ocean strategy lack the ability to see it for what it is, and this could be bad for gaming in general.


Is it really such an alien concept to you that something you don't like could be popular?


Ever heard of occam's razor? Which is the simpler explination - that other people have different tastes than you, or that Nintendo has done some incredible mindfuck on 32 million people and growing?


(on a side note, your often refrenced examples of Cabbage Patch Dolls and Tickle Me Elmo shows that you have no understanding of either situation; both had huge media build up - everyone was declaring both to be must have items - and massive advertising campaigns aimed at kids; Nintendo was panned in the media at launch, and in some publications to this day, and the Wii's marketing campaign has been very low key)