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"As long as you take average review scores as gospel for how good games are, you'll never understand why one console sets sales records and the other two do not. Think about this: The Wii offers new experiences by actually moving to play the games, while the 360 and PS3 offer graphical upgrades of 6th generation gameplay. Which of these two things is more likely to make customers say "I want to try this out!"?"

It should be the graphical updates. I don't play games, a passive leisure activity like reading a book or watching a movie because I want to exercise or act like I'm playing a musical instrument. If I wanted to exercise, then I would go outside and go for a walk and if I wanted to play a musical instrument, then I would actually try to learn how to play one. Yet, I am interested in reading the next great book or viewing the next great film that comes along instead.

"Sony only shipped 100k PS3s for the Japanese launch and 200k PS3s for the American launch. Why didn't it create more demand for the PS3? Also, Sony is actually the company which is removing systems from the market by discontinuing PS3 models, most noteworthy the PS3s with backwards compability. If one of the companies would be guilty of artificially increasing demand for their product, it would be Sony."

No because you've always been able to go into a store and see what the PS3 is capable of, yet this has very rarely been true with the Wii building the false impression in many minds that don't check out technical stats, etc, that he Wii is just as powerful and better than the other consoles at a lower price which is simply not true.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.