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Alot has been said about the Wii's graphics- they are 'last-gen', they are good for only cartoonish or artsy graphics, etc. I've seen the Wii largely dismissed as not able to produce really lifelike or photorealistic graphics, but is this true?

Is it possible that the Wii may end up surprising some people with beautiful as well as realistic looking games that nobody would have thought possible on the hardware?

Endless ocean is an example of realistic and beautiful graphics on the Wii:

I hadn't looked at this game alot until today, but when I started watching these in-game videos I was pretty impressed. If Nintendo is able to pull this kind of photo-realism out of this system less than a year after release, I think Wii owners may be in for some surprisingly nice looking (and realistic looking) games over the life of the system.

I'm not saying that Wii graphics are better than the competitors, and I'm not trying to compare it to any competitors. I just think that the Wii is not the graphical wimp that some have made it out to be, and that it may end up surprising some people. I think many later Wii games will be able to stand very well on their graphics, as well as their gameplay.

Obviously, PS360 games will look better than Wii games in general, but people will not be able to keep saying the Wii's graphics are 'horrible' for much longer. Once SMG, Metroid, and Endless Ocean are released, we will finally get the first glimpse of what this system is actually capable of, and I don't think many people will be dissapointed. The first wave of games consisted of many crappy ports, rush jobs, etc, but I think the later batches of games will include games that both look good and play even better.