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To start off, if you hadn't guessed from the title, I'm left handed and gaming can be a bit of a pain sometimes.  When I game on PC, I can't use WSAD and mapping everything to the arrow keys or numpad just sucks something (especially for a game like FEAR which needs a lot of buttons) and then there were games like Starcraft that make my right hand move back and forth using hot keys and wastes some time.  All in all, PC gaming is hard for left handers but feels the best since you get to aim with your left hand.  For consoles, it's not as bad but you're still using your left hand to move and right hand to aim which doesn't always feel natural to a lefty even after years of having it that way.

When I first got my Wii, I would play with the remote in my right hand and nunchuck in the left thinking it would be awkward to do the reverse and continued to do that until RE4.  With RE4, I finally put the remote in my left hand (don't ask me why it took so long to try that with a nunchuck/remote game) it just couldn't feel more natural to me.  

It just feels so great to finally move my character with my right hand and use my left for aiming like I do on PC.  I tried this again on Mario Strikers Charged and once again it just felt great.  I went back later and played some Gears of War with some buddies and using my left hand for movement and right for aiming just went back to clunky.  Even with Zelda I went back and played some more left handed and it just felt so much better.

So yeah, being left handed means you should love the Wii.  This may have been said before, whatever, this little tidbit just makes me like the Wii so much more.  I finally get a console game that movement in 3D space just feels so much more natural.