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Not sure why I'm even bothering here but...

1) They have increase production - again - to 2.3 million/month. Currently due to the weak US dollar they are sending the bulk to Europe where it's more profitable to sell them. Also they always stockpile for Christmas season so don't expect 2.3m / mth currently. At Christmas they'll be clearing 4-5m a month

They bottom line if you can't see from that chart on the front page is that demand is simply enormous making the Wii the fastest selling console in history. When you're already the fastest selling console you don't need to create artifical shortages. Heck, you have a real one....

3) Critics tend to minus points when things like graphics havn't improved. But the point is the majority of game on ALL systems still play like they did last generation. This is in fact Worse on PS3/360 where often the only real difference is in the presentation. But I'm sure you can cherry pick a couple that have done more but the majority play the same just look nicer. At least on Wii people get to interact with the game in a new innovative way.
And to make one RolStoppable happy let me note that MKWii is technically superior (more competitors) to MK:DD (which I never played - sorry Rol)

4) If you look at my sig you will see I'm not saying it'll sell well, the reverse in fact. However that's not because it isn't good, in fact in some ways it may be to good for it's own good. Most of us non-musical people would prefer to fake play with music with GH than really play with it in Wii Music. Myself included.