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"The whole arfitcal shortage thing as been argued to death here. (As Gamerace said, this is a sales site.) The Wii is out pacing every other home and handheld console ever made in production and sales. And Europe and Japan generally don't suffer from supply shortages and it still sells exceptionally. The Wii is in short demand because people want it. Things like Cabbage Patch Dolls, Tickle Me Elmo's, and other holiday fads did't continue to remain in short stock two years after their release."

Listen, answer this question. If Nintendo is making 1.8 million Wii's in their North American factory each month, and they sell 1 million in stores, then why aren't the other .8 million also in stores to be sold to people that are only getting vouchers that one day they will get one?

"One that's common amongst many HD games like Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, etc."

I already demonstrated that GTA IV is the best one.

"You make the same incorrect Rock Band/Guitar Hero compatrison to Wii Music a lot of people do. (Rock Band was actually announced after Wii Music) You fail to realize Wii Music has far more in common with titles such as Mario Paint or Electroplankton."


     I guess you're talking about Miyamoto's statement about how he had hinted that there might be some kind of muisc game coming to the Wii at E3 2006.  That was quite a way from an official announcement and Rock Band came out in 2007 one year before Wii Music was officially released.  If Wii Music was offically announced two years ago at E3 and yet was still supposed to be the Wii's big announcement of E3 2008, then that's even worse news for Nintendo fans.  They wasted all that time making that instead of trying to make a real game?  Being foolish enough to think its announcement was going to rival the 360's Final Fantasy XIII announcement for scene stealing moment of the show is one thing.  It can just be chalked down to foolishness, but really putting all that time, resources, into the development into something only to come out with Wii Music?  That would just be a horrible waste. 


     In the same category as Elektroplankton and Mario Paint?  Those are your little niche titles.  None of those deserves to sell more than a Zelda game and certainly not to be your big unveil of one of your most important sales conference of the year.  Those are things for the back of Nintendo Power not the cover.  The Wii is taking bottom of the barrel stuff and putting it on the top for those that don't know any better.  So they've reinvented Yourself!Fitness, Pong, and the kazoo.  Big whoop!  Where are the real games.  Nintendo fans saying, "Oh they're coming.  Disaster:  Day of Crisis is going to be the ultimate action adventure game and Cursed Mountain is going to be better than any Resident Evil."  It didn't happen with Disaster and I doubt it will happen with Cursed Mountain as well.


"You seem to think you're personal tastes equate to real world sales. (SE remakes are what's keeping the DS afloat?)"

The only times this year other than at Rhythm Heaven's release when the DS has sold more copies for the week than the PSP has been at the launches of Square-Enix rpgs.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.