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"1) Absurd. Your on a sales site. Look at the sales. Wiis are produced at an unprecidented rate, greater even than PS2s at their peak. If you are producing them at historical high amounts how is that purposely creating a shortage?"

Listen if there was a shortage, then why couldn't people walk into a store and just buy one off the shelf during the Christmas holiday '06 season with the greatest of ease. Why couldn't they do this in the Christmas '07 season? Why have I only seen Wii's in my local Wal~Mart one time in the middle of the day since thy were released? If the Wii's sales numbers are right, then why can't they ever be found in a store? If Nintendo only puts enough Wii's in stores for only a certain amount of people to carry them out within a short period of time, there must be something about them they want to hide. It's that simple. Here's an example if the Wii is selling so many units hundreds of thousands each week, then you would think that Nintendo would want to sell as many of them as they possibly can...that they would think they could sell many more than they do.

I can walk into almost store at almost any time of day and see a DS sitting there? Why can't I do the same with the Wii? Here's proof of the fact that Nintendo has been trying to sell as many Wiis as possible without keeping most people from being able to see them: during the Christmas '07 season when they should have been overflowing in stores, IGN reported that Nintendo was making 1.8 million Wiis each month at the NA factory each month, but here at VGChartz at the same time, it was reported that Nintendo was selling well, the number one console on the market even, but they weren't selling 1.8 million Wii's a month, so what were those other million Wii's doing sitting in factories when there were many people that were having to settle for Wii Voucher's for Christmas?

2.) Don't know if its any more genius than Yourself!Fitness, but the Youtube vids are nice. I would like to see Olga K. or Spricket24 demonstrate it.

3.) "MP3 you're the only one I've seen that thinks otherwise."

Metroid Prime GR score = 96.264
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GR score = 91.925
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption = 89.602

"On that same point what improvements have really been made to any sequels appearing on 360/PS3?? For the most part the play exactly the same as their PS2 counterparts."

GTA IV is the best GTA.

Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) GR score = 97.419
Grand Theft Auto IV (360) GR score = 96.684
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) GR score = 95.223
Grand Theft Auto III GR score = 94.907
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) GR score = 94.229

Metal Gear Solid holds its own among the MGS games. There is not a seven point drop from the first MGS to the latest one as their is with Metroid Prime.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) GR score = 94.806
Metal Gear Solid (PS1) GR score = 93.469
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2) GR score =92.816
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS2) GR score = 92.634
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) GR score = 91.435
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PS2) GR score = 85.470

stats from

"4)Wii Music is about playing with music not keeping a rhythm. Not saying that it'll work out well but it's not a mere simplification of GH it's a total reimagining of what a music game should be."

Wii Music has made no respectable gaming publication's list of the best game at E3, however, you Wii fans want it to sell in staggering amounts which in my opinion is very bad for gaming in general. The longer they can get buy selling weak titles just because they sell well, then the more weak titles they will be able and have encouragement to make just because they're selling products to an audience made up by many people that have no idea how to properly assess the games they are playing.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.