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1) Absurd. Your on a sales site. Look at the sales. Wiis are produced at an unprecidented rate, greater even than PS2s at their peak. If you are producing them at historical high amounts how is that purposely creating a shortage?

2) Yes and improved on it and genius it was you must admit.

3)Zelda WAS a Gamecube game. It was released on GC as well as Wii. I agree tech-wise SSMB wasn't a great step forward but WAY more content. SMG is better but so was MP3 you're the only one I've seen that thinks otherwise. MKWii is no improvement over MK:DD granted - except for the WiiWheel which is a huge seller feature since that makes the game accessible to all. Online doesn't hurt either.
On that same point what improvements have really been made to any sequels appearing on 360/PS3?? For the most part the play exactly the same as their PS2 counterparts.

4)Wii Music is about playing with music not keeping a rhythm. Not saying that it'll work out well but it's not a mere simplification of GH it's a total reimagining of what a music game should be.