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"How can Sony re-shape its organization, culture and product development approach in order to be more flexible, customer-centric and innovative in a rapidly-shifting market?"

The problem with customer-centric development is that you're one or two steps behind most of the time.
Quite often customers don't know what they want or can't make up their minds, until they see something (or someone else with it) and then they want it (too).
Therefor, you got to keep ahead all of the time otherwise you'll loose.

Now, you can get flexible, ( even large companies can ), but if you have a strong vision about where to go and where revenues and profits can be made, you need to hold on to it, otherwise you'll be going nowhere.

I dont think Sony needs to re-shape anything, they've proven right with the PS2, and eventually, they'll prove right with the PS3, cause the product will sell for the coming 15 years.
Even when HD screens become mainstream, the SP3 will meet that customer-driven HD content.