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gnizmo i think the problem, honestly and without hurting anyones feelings is that most people in here have differing opinions on what is a toy.
so when i respond in one way to one person so that they would understand, it conflicted with someone elses understanding.
so then when i put it into an idea that the new guy could understand it conlicted again.
basically my whole point is that i think the wii is going to be moving more and more towards this "no point" type game like wii music, although while still maintaining core games.
i think they should be working on more innovative core games instead of focusing so much on casual games. there are too many new casual games, and not enough new core games, which by nature someone is going to disagree with what constitues a core game, so really by answering your question, i am opening myself up to other debates and now you understand this is never ending........
no i do not think anything is a toy.
i just think that the console itself is chasing casuals rather than core gamers. if this is incorrect please correct me, but it seems to be a very sound argument if you ask me.