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Torillian said:
Soriku said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Level 5 because of Professor Layton.

I think both companies are great though, Tri-ace will never, I repeat NEVER make a AAA game, not because their games suck but because of the nature of their games means they are stuck in niche markets that won't reach wide-ranging critical acclaim like say a Final Fantasy would.


Just because it won't sell as much as FF means it's not AAA (or, for naz's sake, a really good game)? Many games are really good, but they didn't sell as much as FF. Does that somehow not make them AAA?

WKS is considered AAA/really good, but won't sell as much as FF. It's suddenly not AAA/really good now?


You are misreading his post. He said it is too niche to reach wide spread critical acclaim, which is what it would need to keep an average on metacritic of 90% if you're being literal, or just to be liked by almost all reviewers as a fantastic game. It has nothing to do with sales and mostly with him saying that the type of RPG Tri-ace makes, while it may be a AAA title in its own right, is hamperred by its genre.


I'm not sure I agree, because I don't know that there's a specific reason ARPG's are doomed to less than AAA reviews.....but that is what he was saying.

I not seeing it.  I am not saying that games like MGS4 and Rock Band 2 don't deserved the scores they get because they absolutely do.  However, I just don't get what many of these critics have against JRPGs.  Final Fantasy gets widespread critical acclaim yet Star Ocean and Tales only gets in the 80s range.