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jman8 said: fair enough, but again, how would selling 800,000 units out of 1,000,000 in the first day be bad? We all know the Wii is doing phenomenally well, but that doesn't mean anything falling short of the Wii's success automatically sucks. All Reeves is saying in the quotation is that having enough units available for the huge demand is a very good thing, which is a fact. You're the one trying to spin this quotation into something negative.
Do we know if they will have sold 800,000 units? The other important question is how many of these systems ended up in the hands of resellers? Imagine what would have happened if Sony launched with 1 Million systems in North America; they probably would have sold every unit but 600,000 units would hit eBay the next day, and 500,000 units would get returned to the store the following week.