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@ fazz

Ahem... the RSX is an nVidia G71 GPU... you can Google its specs pretty easy, just switch the 256 bit RAM interface to 128 bit and change the core and memory clocks to 550 and 1300 Mhz respectively... with simple math you can know what the RSX can do in the technical aspect

Yes, the GPU is similar. But that doesn't prove to be a significant XBox 360 advantage. Judging from launch games which don't use the SPEs like Genji 2 or Oblivion for the PS3 (which looks better, but isn't believed to use the SPEs), does not prove the XBox 360 to be more powerful. Without tapping into the power of the SPEs the PS3 can already roughly match the XBox 360 in terms of visuals.

For example IMO Ratchet and Clank Future's Pixar movie like graphics, also demonstrates the PS3 can do anything the XBox 360 can do graphically and go beyond that.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales