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It also matters where you live. I live in a very small, retirement city, so all the "high" paying jobs are usually taken. The rest are all the minimum wage jobs, and that's only $8/hr. If you wanted a good job here, you'd have to work REALLY hard to try and get in somewhere, or know some people who could get you in. Or you could start your own business, but there's always risk involved.

Right now I make $0/hr. :P I'm a stay at home dad/student while my wife is taking a PSW course. She just had another baby though so she's delaying her placement for a month or two since having 3 babies in 3 years is strenuous on the body. She'll more than likely be making $11+/hr unless she finds a really good job or goes private, which can make about $18+/hr.

I've got to finish getting my high school diploma, all the while getting in shape. I'm going to become a police officer. The pay is salary and will be very nice. My wife wants to go further then PSW and become a nurse, dealing with obstetrics.

Here's what a police officer gets within the first year.

Cadet $ 31,491.00
Probationary Constable 0 – 12 months $ 40,470.00

After that first year....

Constable 12 – 18 months $ 51,600.00
18 – 24 months $ 58,975.00
24 – 36 months $ 65,610.00
36 months to 7 years $ 73,714.00

So within 3 years, I'd be making about 75k on salary, not including OT. No college required, just need your highschool and you need to pass some psyche test which I can fake *twitch* :D