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first a couple things....

some people say 360 is too PC oriented.... didn't it come to your mind that it's exactly what they want ??? it's their market getting the PC users like me who are tired to upgrade their PC every 6 month with the last GPU to play the last game.... I mean beside really hardcore gamers now you don't have to do it because you have consoles like PS3 and 360... the difference is PS3 is targeting there old market from PS1 and 2 also... where 360 doesn't have an old market or at least the same as now.... also kidults who start their first job don't have time to follow the last PC innovation or don't want to spend the time for it and prefer something like 360 and eventually PS3.....
other possibility i have more and more people around me buying a MAC and a console now rather than just a PC.... more people are getting laptops too (mac/pc) and a console... that's also why MS is so PC style oriented

another point I hear too many people saying judging the quality of a line up is subjective, no it's not.... if you like the game or not is subjective not it's quality... I used to be a tester for a video game website before and had to test games I didn't like... I could point out their quality and I did put good grades to game I don't like.... so when I say a line up is better than an other one it means it contains more games which gonna get a good grade on most websites than an other one..... and that's facts not my personal feeling....

about MP8 I really think it's a bad one... with my friends when we chill we still play on the super nintendo one.. I don't remember which one it is.... talking about party games what's the feedback on viva pinata animal party ???

and yes WII is going to outsell the 2 other.. I could have told you that 2 month ago....

GTA 4 issue it's a good thing for the gamers and nintendo, a bad one for MS and Sony