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Wow, extreme crazyness.

There are a few issues/opinions:

#1. This pretty much seals the deal that the Wii will lead through December. Halo3 will do a bit better now for the year, but this'll probably cost the X360 and PS3 around 1m systems this year.

#2. Fortunately, both studios still have great great titles this year. This just means I have one less game to buy for now, which is a good thing.

#3. Can anyone please name a strong West-Centric Wii IP that's debuting in Feb-Apr next year to compete with GTAIV? If GTAIV changes to that date, during the strong s/w sales for March period, if Nintendo is just running on the laurels of SMG and SSBB, GTAIV might be able to steal their thunder in 2008 quite handily.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.