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Kotaku (and almost any gaming blog) is biased against Nintendo right now.  They are hardcore gamers and not journalist who think that the world will end when Face Training comes out.

That being said, they still cover Wii pretty equally (as far as space) because it gets traffic.

The sales have gone down for ONE week.  If by skyrocket you mean still not selling less than 2/3 of what the Wii sells then they are right.


A couple charts

#1 shows the Japanese gaming preference for this generation so far.

#2 shows the  "declining" Wii sales in Japan (BTW, the quotation marks imply sarcasm), notice the upward trend from 5/20, and then the spike for DQ:S and the continuation of the trend this last week.

 Thank you for your time, I am going to go play the Heavenly Sword demo for the 87th time.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.