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shio said:
vlad321 said:
Mendicate Bias said:
wow all I see is the Sims and World of Warcraft on there, is it really good when the top sales are dominated by the expansion packs of two titles?
It almost seems like The Sims and WoW are having the same affects on PC gaming as the Wii has on console gaming, supporting and pushing the market towards the casual sector.
It looks like Spore will be joining the two big boys on top of the charts for a while too.

Although there are still a good amount of hardcore games coming out like
Starcraft II and Crysis is doing impressive too...

btw why don't they have the raw numbers of copies sold?


Eh!? WoW is psuhing the market towards the casuals? That is one of the most hardcore game you can find out in the market right now. That game was even too hardcore for me after several years.

This. MMORPGs have the most hardcore fanbase, easily.


I did a spit-take when I read that. MMORPGs like WoW are the definition of casual gaming, just because it takes hours to accomplish anything doesnt make it "hardcore". It is just a never ending grind. Most people I know who play WoW dont play any other game and have no idea how to play any other game because they are too busy getting to the next level or farming for the next good item.

Of course, there are a few people that take the game seriously and go on raids and PvP. But they are a very small percentage of the total playerbase. I am not sure about WoW, but Guild Wars which supposively had an inclination on the PvP had only a few thousand players participate in Tournaments and Guild Battles, and the game sold millions. And btw I dont consider arenas to be hardcore, considering that any idiot of appropriate level can join. Only matches in which both sides can pick their allies can be considered true PvP.


Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3