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Townzy said: Also lets assume the 5.38m for NA and .32m for Japan are correct (for year end 2006) the 2.64m for Other is way too low. 900k have been sold in UK, 150k have been sold In Aus Last Gen there were 6m Xbox's sold in Europe (2m in UK) so UK accounts for roughly 33% of sales 900 / 3 = 2.7m in Europe (+ 150k in AUS) = 2.85m But thats not all. last gen 2m were sold in Asia with 450k of that being in Japan (i think asia included 800k Aus sales) = 800k for the rest of Asia so japan accounts for another 33% of Asia = 320* 3 = 1m = 3.85m 360 has also launched in all new country's (india, china, korea) another 150k is viable from these so 4m for other is about right. 360 is at about 9.2 - 9.4m WW
These numbers seem to be pretty more accurate than vgcharts numbers.