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SnakeEyez said:

Oh God, did I just see that right? Did u just say that the best phone for email is the iphone LMAOOO. Blackberry is KNOWN for having the best email. If u knew anything about smartphones, u would know that push email (wat Blackberries do) is better than pull email (wat Iphone does). Everything else was right, but that email thing made me laugh.


Edit: The iphone JUST got push email with their software update 2.0, it still doesn't make it's email better than blackberries. Hell, if it was better, y is it that corporations use Blackberries instead of iphones? It's not because iphone released not too long ago, it's because Blackberries email is better (also because the keyboard on the iphone is kinda bad/hard to type fast and accurately)


Both do push, both open attachments, both do Exchange email.

iPhone has only done these things for 6 weeks, but who cares, he wants a Phone, not a history lesson. The blackberry does email in a corporate environment better (due to guaranteed deliver and encryption). But I don't think the OP cares about that.

Also, the #1 issue with the iPhone in a corporate world, is security, not functionality. There is no way for your IT department to lock down an iPhone (and I hope there never is). This is the reason it will not be embraced any time soon on the corporate world.

I can have 20 email clients in my phone (I have 4), and it works seamlessly. The navigation option is far superior then the wheel on the Blackberry. I know, I have had both.

Also, the iPhone has clients for Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. Not mail but worth mentioning. On, and text messaging on an iPhone is better then anything else out there as well.

Like Rocket Pig say's, why all the hate?