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bigjon said:
Did you not notice he said BOTH canidates.

I think that they are both going too far. But Obama is responding very childishly to it. Calling other liars and such.


   What do you call someone who repeatedly says things that are untrue?  That's right, a liar!


   Hell even the ladies on the view called McCain a liar, to his face!  The most agregious one is the sex ed in kindergarden lie.  Obama did indeed support limited (VERY limited) education in kindergarden.  What was the education?  Was it condom use?  Was it what sperms and eggs do?  No, it was very clear instruction to stay away from strangers and how to avoid the advances of pedifiles.  If you think that teaching children to be wary of adult sex criminals is a bad idea then you are either A) a sex criminal yourself who doesn't want kids to know how to avoid your advances or B) insane.  Take your pick.


   On many other things including links between Iraq and Al Queda, between Iran and Al Queda as well as a ton of other topic he continues to lie and mislead.  Quite simply he is the opposite of 2000 straight talk McCain, he panders to those he used to call "agents of intollerence", he supports the tax cuts (and wants to extend the tax cuts) he called fiscally irresponsible and overly slated to the wealthy in 2002, he said he wanted to run an above board campaign this year and resorts to the same smear tactics that Bush used to take him out in 2000.  Hell, McCain hired some of the SAME people who carried out the 2000 smear of him as campaign advisors.  

   It really is quite funny when Rove has more sense then McCain on this issue.  

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me