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NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:
ManusJustus said:

Europeans have awesome mass transit and other means of cheap transportation. If you want to go from Paris to Rome just hop on a train for cheap transport, want to get from home to work you can hop on a bus or metro for cheap transport.

We dont have that luxury in America, cars are the only way to get around (outside a few major cities) other than airplanes which is obviously expensive.

Public transportation is a luxury?


Transportation in general is a luxuary... outside your two feet.  Sad but true.  The US isn't built like Europe.

If you saw your average suburb in the US you'd see why public transportation won't work.


I think you're slightly mixing up cause and effect. From what I gather, the addiction to cars is what allowed suburbs to exist, not the opposite.

European cities were built when cars weren't widely available, to a greater extent than American cities. There's also some urban sprawl here nowadays, but nowhere near as much as in USA.

Depending on how the energy crisis plays out, suburbs may almost die. It's not something you'll see in the  short-term, but perhaps medium/long-term (again, depending on how things play out; it's not a certainty).


Suburbs are due to cars allowing Urban Sprawl, however that doesn't magically make it easier to run a mass transit system together.