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Dystopian Delight said:
vaio said:
Dystopian Delight said:
Wii panders to casuals, Nintendo knows that their bread and butter has always been first parties, and they marketed last gen hardware with motion controls. Before the Wii was released I told everyone that the Wii would dominate this generation and it would usher innovation and new enterprises. I bought the Wii and returned it one week later because it wasn't what Nintendo advertised to me, however to all the casual players and parents who expected and demanded less it was perfect.

Of all my gamer friends the only non first party Nintendo game that I know any of them have is Trauma Center. All the parents and casuals I have seen buy it only have Wii sports and perhaps another sports game or one of the good first party titles. Everyone of them I know hardly uses them except for busting out brawl.

If the motion+ is used correctly and sensibly in 09 then I will Purchase and keep the Wii. I have been a gamer since atari 2600 and the Wii currently does not satiate my gamer appetite especially considering I have had every main console every generation(except saturn) and gaming PCs along the way.

To be brutally honest the people touting the Wii as the best this gen has to offer and denouncing the HD consoles/pc gaming are young ones. It's no suprise that almost all the HD consoles owners are older almost always of legal age while Wii fans are younger still in junior high/beginning highschool and It really does explain why the Wii sells so well.

Tl;dr I'll get and keep a Wii in 09 if motion+ delivers on what the Wii promised at launch.

21 years old only but still somehowe you managed to play all consoles? Either you are lying about your age or you are lying about playing all consoles.

I on the other hand have played all of the consoles from atari, vectrex,Nes etc I am in what you call the older concole owner and I do own one of the two HD consoles soon both.

I still think the true next gen (better graphics is not next gen) gaming experience is the Wii only and will continue to expand on this experience while the other two will contimue to  offer the traditional experience.

So I am going to do what real hardcore gamers do experience all of the gaming possibilities at hand and let the bickering of the Wii to intolerant HD fanboys like you that hate the Wii and would like to take away that experience from those who actually like it because you for some reason don´t like it.  


actually I am 23, I don't hate the Wii as much as being severely disappointed my whole post pretty much summed up that if the Wii would have came with basically motion+ from the start I would have been happy with it. And while I somewhat agree graphics don't make the gen neither do cumbersome controls and if Wii will get it right with Motion+ then i'll concede that's the next generation. 

Btw How is forming my opinion intolerant? I don't chastize any of my friends for owning a Wii in fact I trade consoles very often with friends. Iv'e played super mario, zelda, brawl, trauma center, strikers, warioland, monkeyball, metal slug(hate the shaking for grenades) and I am dying to play MP3 but have to get MP2 done. SO OBVIOUSLY I can't really hate the Wii and still play those games unless I am just some crazy sick masochist.

And last Would you like a list of consoles I owned? atari 2600,Nes,Genesis,Snes,PS,64,dreamcast,ps2,xbox.gamecube,ps3,360(till brother moved out)Wii(till returned) and before you bring up neo geo/jaguar I said main systems always the big 2/3.


See my problem was I thought I could just post how I feel about something related to the topic and the post content in the topic but I forgot coming from the main page that this would be in the Nintendo forum so whatever I have to say that isn't a glowing endorsement for Wii is considered a biased ill informed attack of which I couldn't possibly have any true opinions other then to mindlessly bash the Wii.


You are allowed to have an opinion no mutter what it is but don´t present it as fact if you don´t want to be confronted.

I still don´t belive you have experience gaming as early as atari considering your age.

The Wii´s controlls are next gen, they might not be perfect but they will get there and if you tell the truth about your gaming experiences then you would know that back then the controllers weren´t perfect either.

To expect perfect controlls even though it hasn´t been done on this level before is just asking to much things can only progress one step at the time.



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