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So what if Breath of Fire 5 is announced for the Wii?
(Redefined under Capcoms new plan)
Capcom Announces:
Breath of Fire 5 for the PS3,Xbox360,PC,Mac,Cell Phone, PS2 and Wii.
*Months of internet squable about the graphics*
*Capcom confirms it's a PS2 port designed speicifcally for the Wii*
*Months more of internet squable over the graphics and botchy controls*

I've decided that certain games should just stay on PS360 consoles after playing Force Unleashed. The game was a let down on so many levels with the Wiimote&Nunchuk.

*Breath of Fire 5 is released and the game sells a Million copies all over the place.*
So what progress was made?


Sega is coming back, at least if the quality of their new PSZero matches that of the old PSO's while still being innovative, (Basically same old fun with a new unique way to get to that fun that isn't diffuclt to do) Then they may be on the right track to at least have a steady stream of my money going into their pockets.

As for that Nintendo comment; I guess that every publisher under them each week is pretty much the bottom of the giant mound of waste matter called Nintendo's platnum sellers; I means as far as quality goes.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D