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I find Madden and generally sports game to stand out in the VG market. I have met lots of people who have a console for just there preffered sports and one other game. One of my co workers only plays madden, his friends come over to only play madden since non of them have consoles. He is a media technophile so he purchased a 50" HDTV so he can watch his game in highres. So of course he purchased the PS3 for the highest graphical purposes. He does not buy other games though he had a PS2 from nearly the begining. Does this mean he is "harcore" or casual? he knows teams, scores all of that stuff that goes with American Football.

What this comes out to is that the the largest purchasers of sports games are probably in his range and not in the generall "casual" area. So I personally don't believe that football, hockey, american football will ever be serious sellers on the Wii until they have something the Wii can do better. Golf anyone?

As for best library, well that's an opinion. I admit that PS3 and 360 have some good games I would like to play, but Wii is no slough either. As mentioned golf. Seriously what's the better way to play golf? analog stick? meteres and buttons? Boom Blox is awesome. It has an excellent platformer and is over a pretty good line up of games. What it lacks is some serious RPGs and a bigger list of adventure action games. It has it's week points that for sure. We will see if some of the games coming out will help. Monster Hunter 3, Tenchu 4....

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.