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Blu-Ray won't be dead or anywhere near it for a few reasons.

1. Blu-Ray players will be much much cheaper by then, almost the same price as DVD players nowadays. They're already down to the lower $200's, and that's 4 years away.

2. Blu-Ray discs will be much cheaper by then as well, while not the same price as CD's or DVD's, still significantly lower than they are today, making that argument not an issue.

3. Everyone's already said this, but DD won't be able to corner the market or get anywhere close to it. You'd need much too fast internet capabilities, very very large hard drives (or multiple very large hard drives). The cost of dealing with DD will blast the cost of buying Blu-Rays out of the water. Not to mention, you'll never get the same quality in HD on anything as you will in Blu-Ray at this point (aside from another media storage device, such as another disk format).