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Achievments are both good and bad.

They are fun if they aren't ridiculous (getting 10000 kills in Gears of War...). If you really enjoy a game you will do the achievements, If you just like a game you will probably skip most of them, if you still want to get them all in a crappy game, you have problems. Achievements can ruin online games as well, 1/3 Halo / Gears matches i get a bunch of people who want to "trade" kills just to get achievements, that isn't fun if you ask me. Then you get people who will only use because they are after a certain achievement.

A lot of times I make my own "achievements" for Wii games, in Zelda I always try to get all 20 hearts, do all the side quests, get the best score in mini games, etc. In Metroid I go and find all the upgrades, get every last scan, do all difficulties.