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BMaker11 said:

Tell you the clue.

The Wii started outselling both the moment is was released. Are you telling me it's LAUNCH games are making it outsell the competitors? Or the Wario: Shake It (recently released)?

I've said it before in another thread somewhere. It's the novelty of waggling. People think, "Oh I want a Wii because I CAN BE IN THE GAME", so it doesn't matter how crappy the game is (come on now, why are all the Wii reviews for multiplat games so much lower?) the fact that you're controlling the motions is the kicker. Otherwise, why do you think that chart of "the most quality games" ever showed up, having the PS3 as the highest and the Wii as the lowest? All the shovelware (and there is tons of it) throws off the average.

Yeah, go ahead and play the Wii version of MAdden, I'll play the original



The Wii is outselling becuase of the "fun" factor -- it is not as complicated or confusing or confounding as other games. So people can just jump in and play.

You call it the waggle. I call it accessibility. About the only group who does not seem to embrasse the Wii in large numbers are males 15-24 who want to only play on-line FPS games -- not that there is anything wrong wit that. But it is one of two experiences that the Wii does not offer very well right now. (The other is RPGs, but it seems as if those interested in that genre also like some of the game types on the Wii).

Reviews for Wii versions of mulitplatform games are lower because the review cares only about graphics or the company did not make a good version. There are instances where they are higher -- from the Godfather port to some of the reviews of Tiger Woods. However, because some people over-emphasize eye candy and there are fewer sources of Wii reviews, a couple of out-of-step reviews can drag down an agregate review score.

I will play Madden on my Wii when I pick up the latest version -- probably after my next business trip. I look forward to calling my own shots -- something that can't be done on the other versions.

Mike from Morgantown

PS -- Just remember, to play the original Madden, you will need an Apple II.






I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492