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ZenfoldorVGI said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mibuokami said:


Seriously, it was a one liner offhanded comment that you blew out of proportion, the man clearly stated 'this gen', the key word here is 'gen', which colloquially speaking is often use to describe home consoles, the current being the seventh gen, which includes wii/ps3/360.

Whether his statement is correct or not can be debatable, but your attack on the technicality of a word used here in fair context is just silly.


Either this is a dummy account, or this poster picked a hell of a thing to join in for. If the latter, that was not an offhand comment. That user makes comments like that all the time, and treats them as gospel, no matter how the facts or reason prove them wrong.


Not only that, he defended his comment fiercely, despite being shown that it was obviously incorrect. Quantifying it after it was posted is something you do when you just don't want others to tell you, you were wrong. The correct thing for him to do was to say, "Oops, my statement was incorrect." Not move the goalposts, and act like games that don't fit with his statement dont' count for whatever reason, and we should have known that previously.

If the joke account guy wants to defend someone, he should follow me around, there are plenty of embellishing fanboys who need defending, but don't deserve it, that could use his services.

Not a dummy account, I'm from Australia btw : )

I'm merely pointing out that he made a one liner that is used here in correct context (the current gen = wii/ps3/360). I have no idea if GTA4 is the most successful game in term of sale or not nor do I really care, but at least criticise someone for something legitimate (eg: you are wrong because Guitar Hero is the most successful game release in the current gen - again no idea just an example) instead of over analyzing a statement that have so many different interpretation with one of which supporting his view.

Anyways, since I am new here, there is no way I can know that one liner comments like that could be gospel material, I bow to common sense and it obviously failed here if what you said is true. Cheers


edit: Wait isn't Wii Play more successfull anyways? Please correct if I'm wrong.