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trestres said:
@Soriku: Thanks ^^ But are there any pics? Because I only recall a Japanese webpage that named had the "Wii" word written close to "Tatsunoko".

@Crazzy: Yes, that's sad. 400 people making Resident Evil 4.5, what a waste of resources, money and time. Most of the projects from Capcom these days are outsourced. Hell they have so many people working on RE5 that a very small team with a limited budget is porting DR to the Wii. Therefore the results.

IMO terrible decision if they expect the game to sell only 2.5 million.

Why must no one listen :(

Capcom expects Resident Evil to sell 2.5 million copies between it's launch and the end of the fiscal period it is launched in.

RE5 launch - March 13, 2009

Fiscal ends - March 31, 2009.

So Capcom expects to sell (ship) 2.5 million copies in just under three weeks.

Not too shabby, eh?