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ClaudeLv250 said:
How is Yggdrasil a spoiler? The tree's been called Yggdrasil since 1994.

OH! EXCUSE me Princess (à la Zelda Cartoon)! I must be such an idiot and ignorant person, it's not even funny! >_>

Look man, I didn't play Phantasia for many years, and when I found out about emulators, I was still a noobie at English (not my mother tongue). How am I supposed to remember every single detail about the game/story?

Anyway... It was not meant to be an insult to deathcape or anything, and I didn't think anyone would take it too seriously. o_o


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!