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rocketpig said:
Akuma, I agree that her qualifications as questionable... Much like Obama IMO. I have no problem with people critisizing Palin for her experience or stance on the issues. Everyone should be critical of anyone who will potentially be that powerful.

But things like this "Bush Doctrine" question, which was really just a request for clarification, are disgusting. I see the same posters who, quite vocally, lamented the right's feeble attempts to turn Obama into a closet Muslim champion attacks on Palin like this. Sickening. And hypocritical.

What's sickening is what the republican party has become.  Apparently is it OK for them to disparage a war vet (Kerry), but you can't question McCain's service record (he crashed 5 planes???).  You can't question McCain's moral values (he left his first wife after she became crippled).  Now you can't question anything about Palin or you are a sexist.  This is the most hypocritical thing considering the way they treated hillary.

The republicans and their buddies in the press are the most hypocrital bunch ever.