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I explained where the money comes from. But I'll list it to make it easier to read.

1. Raising taxes on the wealthy ( I don't like it but it needs to be done.)
2. Raise taxes on non-wage income.

Meaning most taxpayers will see a decrease in the amount that they pay.

I didn't say that it would make life better, just: "Lower taxes for most taxpayers." Which I provided links to non-partisan analysts who explained it.

Minimum wage isn't a government cost. (Lie 1)
Working Class paying most of the bill (lie 2) Obama's plan shifts it to a top heavy revenue stream (again, not something to be proud of)
One SS (lie 3) 1 check, yes but based off of both contributions.
Working full time at McDonalds (lie 4) Minimum Wage is $6.55, McDonalds mode pay is ~$7,
(6.55*40)*.88 (taxes, fica, etc.) = 230.56
(7*40)*.88 = 246.40


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.