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Interested in proving my point not terribly to be honest. Mostly thanks to the reason that nobody actually listens to proof. Which begs the question why spend four hours collating data when the majority of deluded fanatics ardently ignore anything that does not match their twisted reality. You must understand a gaming zealot will never compromise their vision by one iota. When presented with hard data they will try many idiotic things to escape the grasp of reality.

Often enough they run away and hide. Try to spin semantics. Call for reinforcements. Spam the thread. Change the subject. Change who they are conversing with. Even reply with a cryptic sentence, or pretend to heartily laugh. Yes it is usually a good sign when someone quotes a fifteen paragraph post and then for a reply follows that up with a single sentence that somehow reduces that entire post to meaninglessness.

The point really is that it is wasted time. More importantly it would be my wasted time, and frankly your not worth it with all of your ninety posts. Now were you a poster with fifteen hundred posts, and not generally regarded as the village idiot. Then yes it might be a different story, because there might be a reputation I can obliterate. When you chop a giant down even if the giant pretends it did not happen dozens perhaps even hundreds of posters will take note. Not to mention use it themselves against the giant.

Anyway if you want the proof this is how I would go about obtaining it. First I would obtain a complete release list for the console. Then I would compare that list to this sites sales data. When data is not present the variable should be twenty five thousand. That is actually at the high end of what this site cannot apparently track.

Take those sales, and work out how many are under a quarter of a million units sold. Those that have sold less then a quarter million units would be flops the degree of difference represents the scale of the flop. Anything less the fifty thousand units sold is a bomb. Anything above a quarter million is a success, and anything over half a million is a major success.

The math is basic enough its just collecting all the data needed is time consuming and utterly dull. I am thinking your going to need to run over three hundred games through the system. I would also say your probably looking at a flop rate for third parties closer to eighty five to ninety percent of titles. With very few major or mass successes. With quite a resume of bombs.