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@steven - MY statements are not true? I've witnessed it. What do the democrats promote? Higher minimum wage, more assistance programs for the poor, more grants for urban development. Where does this money come from state by state? The taxpayers, the working class.

Social Security is the biggest hoax in the world. Do you know any retired people? I do, prior to and including my parents. Check this out - If you and your wife are retired, only ONE of you are allowed to receive SS, not both, even though you both paid your SS dues throughout your life. On top of that, SS checks are a pittance of what it costs to survive. Most people only get $1,000 to $1,500 per MONTH. That's roughly $250 - $375 per week. That's like working a full time job at MCDonalds. If it wasn't for my mother's retirement pension , my parents would be struggling. Not every senior citizen out there is that fortunate.

So much for me "not telling the truth". There's more to these things than what you learned in college.


Rubang - Sure, I have my views on things. I know that no matter WHO is in office, they're not going to change anything. Politicians are no different than door-to -door salesmen. They'll sell their souls to get through that front door, but once they're in, the game they pitch changes.

A few points, regardless of WHO is in office:
1 - The environment will continue to get worse
2 - The US presence in Iraq will last through the first term of the new present
3 - The economy will recover
4 - Fuel sources will not change outright
5 - Health care will continue to suck for anyone without private coverage

That said, are there other issues to be concerned with?

My logic is simple. This form of government has failed. The founding fathers of the United States never intended for this level of corruption. They couldn't have possibly foreseen it. It is time to tear the entire American gov't to the ground and rebuild a new one off of the philosophy of the Bill of Rights. As long as the current government exists, it will continue to fail the citizens of America and the world.