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Million said:

Well I actualy have been thinking , Crash Bandicoot was actualy a pretty good game BTW. And there are plenty of quality PS2 games that have sold excellently you were just looking for examples to proove your point.


Crash was good?  Well according to metacritic (since we just love using metacritic), Mario & Sonic is better.

Yes, there are plenty of quality PS2 games that sold well.  Take a look at the examples you listed - MGS, FF, KH... do we see any big franchises like this on the Wii?  Actually, Resident Evil 4 (a remake) on the Wii did 1.5M.  Shouldn't that be some proof Wii users will buy games from an established IP?

The problem is, when you single out niche games (often with no advertising) like NMH, Okami, or Zack & Wiki, the fact is they would not have sold any better on any other system.  If the new Tales of Symphonia flops (it won't), or some other established IP flops, then you might have a point.  The issue is, 3rd parties haven't even been trying on the Wii.  It has nothing to do with Wii users being stupid and uneducated, they're just as "stupid" as PS2 users were.

Also, 3rd parties reaching the top 10 is meaningless.  The DS is dominated by Nintendo games, but you don't see 3rd parties whining constantly about it.