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Lolcislaw said:
Million said:
c0rd said:
Million said:


Quality doesn't tend to be a huge factor in the performance of Wii games Carnival Games anyone ? the demographic is largley different from that of the traditional consoles they don't neccaserily go the the internet to look at the review scores before purchasing the game , they probably just look at the game with the most enticing box art.

I think there is a genuine problem with 3rd party success on the Wii with Nintendo's stronghold it's difficult for a 3rd party to reach the top 10 unless they have a game that really apeals to the demographic.

Really good games quality games like No more Heroes (0.34M) ,Bloom Blox (0.46M) and Okami (0.12) haven't sold as well as games that realy apeal to the demographic like Carnival Games (2.04M) ,Mario & Sony at the Oylmpics (5.44) and Wii play(14.65M !!!). They key to selling well on the Wii is not really making intensley quality games like MGS4 or Mass Effect but simply making games which are fun and enjoyable to play , it's obvious looking at historical data that the demographic doesn't really care about review scores and quality development but are more interested than popping the disc in their Wii's and playing.

Didn't we have a problem like this for the PS2?

Really good games quality games like Viewtiful Joe(<0.2M?) ,Psychonauts (<0.1M?) and Okami (0.15) haven't sold as well as games that realy apeal to the demographic like 50 Cent: Bulletproof (1.59M) ,Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex (4.97) and Eye Toy: Play(3.86M !!!).

Just stop to think for a second, seriously.


Well I actualy have been thinking , Crash Bandicoot was actualy a pretty good game BTW. And there are plenty of quality PS2 games that have sold excellently you were just looking for examples to proove your point.





And there are no good wii games that sell well?


I didn't say anything like that , if you read my post you mario boys would understand that I'm not attacking the Wii or putting it down in anyway it definetley has the potential for any developer to make alot of money from it.

Please ready my analysis properly on the last page and then get back to me.