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Cueil said:

No... if you had 300 bucks burning a hole in your pocket and you wont buy a system just because you're to much of a fanboy... that is where you hand in your Gamer title and were you Idiot Badge.  I'm not talking about picking one system over the other for your first purchase... simply if you have the money and you don't get it because of fanboy reasons that's just retarded... maybe you know I'm getting old and all this stuff drags down on me a little.


You mistake yourself if you think I'll be buying a new PS3... I gave my PS2 to my son so I'll be hitting up pawn shops and ebay when I do get one... so my sale wont count... but then it's the games that give sony the money.  If I can find one for under 200 I'll probably pick it up... I can't afford anything more than that at one time... any extra money at the end of the month goes towards debt... for now anyway. 

I'm just really tired of the fanboys saying "Xbox 360 is going to die" or the "PS3 is done"... If it wasn't for Xbox your PS3 wouldn't have a HDD and if it wasn't for the 360 you'd probably just now be getting your PS3s this holiday. And if it wasn't for Sony threatening the home entertainment center then Microsoft would have never jump into the console buisness.  I just wish the people who want their console to "kill off" the other console would leave the internet.  It's fine to have a preference and debate over the merits of each console, but wishing ill on another console destroys compition.  Ok so I havn't slept in 25 hours... so if it doesn't make sense sorry :p

==> then people prefer PS3.

Sales show it.

(overall, they prefer Wii obviously).

 And personnaly, I dont have a PS360Wii.

I have the money, but the value of these consoles still doesn't impress me. I m just waiting for a better content.

(Stalkers/Empire total war/sc2/dow2/bioshock/leftfordead are on PC)

Time to Work !