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LBP:GS has been taking preorders on LBP since last year

LBP:Actually, the GS I moonlight at has gone from 2 preorders (myself and another coworker to five.)

LBP:My area has maybe 3 per store.

Resistance = 22 in my store. I don't have high hopes for LBP, not out of the gates anyways. I don't have a lot of hope for a lot of things in October with the exception of Fable 2 and more important, Guitar Hero 4. Rock Band should do well also.

vesperia=Pretty damn good at my store. We've had to be re-stocked 3 times. 20 copies to start, 8 on restock 1, 8 on restock 2 and I think 4 on restock 3...had 2 copies left when I was last in.

Best Buy:
NHL09 is a beast, NHL2K9 ain't selling. Mercs 2 is doing phenomenal as well. Spore is without question the best selling game this week.
360 - The initial shipments of Vesperia and VP:TiP only lasted two days each, people asking about them for a while but we still haven't gotten more stock of either. Fable 2 remains the most preordered game this week, although if you combine all GHWT preorders it's close. Pro sales picked up a bit, Arcades picked up big time, Elite sales remain stagnant.
PS3 - Aside from the multiplatform titles mentioned above, little of note for software and hardware sales.

Sold out of 360 Arcades again. That's 11 in one week. We had not sold any in months. Pros are going well too. Elites...not so much. Havent sold one PS3 in a couple of weeks. Wii's have stuck around for more than a week. Meaning, we're selling them but it's not instant.
Madden 360 is a beast.

GameStop - Oklahoma

TNA Impact is going to do better than I think people expect. We got a bunch of calls about it this week.
Also we somehow managed to have Wii's, WiiFit, and MarioKart all in stock today, which is the first time I've seen that.
Tales of Vesperia is sold out right now and we really aren't getting enough copies, but I'm not hearing anybody talk about it except me. I think Infinite Undiscovery is going to outsell it by a decent margin. Facebreaker is tanking.

With the PS3, the only SKU we have in stock anymore is the new 80GB system, and some people seem to be bummed out about it losing BC for good.

I honestly couldn't tell you how the sales of other systems are going.
Also, to my surprise, Yakuza 2 just came out. I had no idea. We were sent only like a single copy, though.
Fable 2 is going to do extremely well. Right now it's the game we're pushing in our call greeting. Star Wars Force Unleashed is going to sell gangbusters as well, lots and lots of people are talking about it.


Damn. Fable 2 might pull in some pretty damn good numbers going by how many pre-orders people have been taking. It will definitely do well. I can see it doing 700K+ easy first month.

PS3 80GB SKU:We have all 8 that we recieved over a week ago. Not one has moved. We've sold a few used 80gbs (older model) and 40gbs.


fable2 looking good, mercenaries, vesperia & IU looking good too.