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steven787 said:
Sqrl said:


I was under the impression that everyone wanted the government to work for them...not in spite of them. Idealistic I know..but still. 


Ask not what you country can do for you, but what you can do to keep them from putting you in jail. :P


That's it exactly, it would be funny ...if it wasn't sad.

Again idealistic, but I would think a demonstration or accounting of the frugal and proper expenditure of taxpayer money would alleviate much of the complaints from taxpayers and probably make people amenable.  The only area that I could see being exempt would be the Military/Intelligence agencies.

I would love to be able to see that my local courthouse spent $180 on a pizza party for a judge's son's birthday, or that there was $5,000 spent on "morale improvements" at 2AM etc...

Obama has stated something like this back in the primaries but I haven't heard anything from him on it since then.  That and the earmark veto were the reasons I singled both McCain and Obama out in the primaries as the two I wanted to win the primaries..and iirc I did so back in '07 for both (never ever ever thought either would be nominated, just picked them as a preference in their given race).  Of course I've seen and heard a lot since then that has me voting for McCain but I absolutely loved that he supported the idea.

To Each Man, Responsibility