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The 360 has a very high attach rate becuse MS has successfully attracted a segment of the market that values videogames much higher than the standard population, and they spend far more time and money on videogams than most people ever would.

This has side effects that help MS and hurt MS. Obviously, the high attach rate adds royalty revenue to MS' bottom line (which is good as these people are liking these games). A downside is the average customer does not value the word of mouth of this segment, as they are seen as spending far too much time in playing videogames (i.e., they do not represent the positive thing that the average person sees with videogames).

My opinion is that Nintendo, who is mostly at the other end of the spectrum (save for the handful of Internet Nintendo fanboys who decry Wii Music), is not envious of this attach rate, as it does not represent something that is sustainable in most people's lives. Most people have limited cash for videogames, limited time for videogames, and value them in a far different way than the 360 demographic.