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Kasz216 said:

If i lend someone 10 dollars for dinner... then they pay me back 20.  I'm still paying for other peoples dinner.

Which is the problem a lot of people have with SS.  Your money isn't kept for you... it's like someone you know saying "Give me 50 dollars now... and hey.... i'll give you 100 dollars in 20 years."

You don't know where that guy is going to be in 20 years.  If he'll have have the money... or if he'll even think it's important to pay me back.


----edited out stuff that isn't addressing me-----


Ok, here's where me as a libertarian who votes democrat comes in.

It's not a loan.  You're not lending money, it's a tax.  It all goes into a fund and gets paid out (plus some fresh bills)...

The government isn't asking, they're holding a gun to your head and saying, "Pay this tax, or you go to jail, if you try to fight, we use our guns."

This is the price we pay for having a nice clean, safe society where the poor people aren't rioting and killing.  That's just life.

As the poor get better educated and attain skills, they demand more of society (meaning the rich). Society is willing to give them what they want because they don't want to do with out those people's work and skills.

Sucks, especially since I'll probably be on the richer end of the spectrum some day but it's a hell of a lot better than living in some dirty smelly country where poor children won't stop trying to sell me chicle, I can't go out at night, I can't drink the water and old people dying in the streets. (Sorry for all the "ands")

Yes, in a perfect world we would all pick up litter, replace bulbs in street lights, volunteer to go to war when needed by our country, educate each others children, take care of our own medical and retirement needs.  In the real world lots of people don't.  When you don't pay the ransom the people act up, then you have to declare war on your own people and kill them or jail them - which ends up costing more than just paying for decent school, roads, education, and medicine.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.