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masterb8tr said:
shanezx said:
izaaz101 said:
shanezx said:
izaaz101 said:
shanezx said:
izaaz101 said:
shanezx said:
what makes you think that LBP, a PSN arcade game for $10, will equal Fable 2, a full retail game.?

Regardless of what I think of sales, it's not a PSN game for $ you need a new argument.


actually i think it is a PSN game, if im incorrect give me a link to prove it .

Good enough for you?

why are they releasing it on disc ? there is no way they'll be making a profit, or much of a profit anyway, are they going to release all arcade games on disc now ?


I'm thinking that the tutorial stuff that they're including is taking up a lot of space, which might have made downloading it from the PSN a bit unwieldly. The rest of the stuff, I have no idea.

well i doubt it would take up any more than 2/3 gigs if it has a lot of stuff, and thats massive for an arcade game.

I think that LBP will be one of the best, if not the best arcade game this year (next to braid and castle crashers) and i will buy it on disc form if thats all they'll sell it on, but comparing it to a full retail game (like fable 2) is ludicrous.



Where on earth did you hear that it is an arcade game?


take a look at the link and tell me the price.


 $60 ?         -.-