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elprincipe said:
All I'm going to say is I am so sick and tired of we humans defining each other solely by the color of our skin. We must act a certain way, have certain preferences, etc. because we are whatever color on the outside. And of course we must vote as a bloc due to this and we must fracture our society by defining ourselves by the color of our skin. It's very discouraging when you realize how little progress has been made in the minds of most people with regards to this, and how much political correctness keeps picking at the ugly racist scar yielded by a shameful part of our history.

 I actually agree with this, and I've noticed this too. I really think that any holiday related to color is racist. Any day related to sex, is sexist. I really hate to say this, but racisim and sexism is something we just have to live with. Becuase if we start ignoring the fact some people are black, others are white... and we dont care about that, and we treat people like they act... I feel the world wouldnt change much, becuase then it would be 'classes'.

"The middle class are picking on the gang class."

Basically another way of saying, the rich whites are picking on the poor drug dealing blacks that murder each other for fun.

(I'm not saying white people dont do it, but the majority is black, it's a proven fact)

So instead of saying it's racist, their gonna be saying it's a class system, and becuase they are poor they are being mistread. or some such.

It's a problem that I've learned to deal with. Some black people are really great people. Others arent. Same with white people. I know my fair share of white trash too. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!