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The Ghost of RubangB said:
bardicverse said:
I'm voting for the side that does the LEAST amount of slandering of the other side. I can't stand people talking about the opposition. Tell me what YOU are going to do to fix the problem, not what the other guy is incapable of.

As for Bush, he is the poster boy for abortion "Dont let another one of THESE into the world" lol

You do realize that they're both going to slander each other for the next 2 months but then one of them is going to be making many much more important decisions that affect our lives in many ways for 4 years, right?

You're sure you don't have a single opinion about war, health care, the economy, energy, anything?



Thank you.

It's all well and good to like Obama or McCain for certain personality traits or personal accomplishments.  It's even up to you to dislike them based off of the typical slander and smears that politics brings out.  But please for all of our sakes don't vote based off of such things.  Vote on the issues!

Years later if the economy is even worse and health care is in shambles do you really want to look back and realize you voted for entirely the wrong reasons?  Find out where the candidates stand on the actual important issues and vote based off of those.  The rest of the political drama is just mindless entertainment for now.