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ssj12 said:
steven787 said:
bardicverse said:
@ Steven - Not meaning to go too far off tangent but your tag, I must comment on -

# Lower taxes for most taxpayers. - Except for middle class. Dems always raise middle class taxes

# Removing Social Security contribution caps. - This NOT a good thing - That means forever having to pay into the SS system, which anyone under 35 will likely never get their money out of, because its falling apart at the seams.


First the bolded part: They've been saying that since the SSA started.


Your statements are just not true.

Oh no, it is a bad system. With more and more people living longer the more drain it is on the system. Removing the cap would solve the problem but frankly I dont want to pay for other people to live off the funds I put in so frankly I say SS needs to die.



Right now the single person cap is $90k per year.  You are not paying other people's SS. 

About 90% of tax payers get more service dollars than they pay.  ($90k per year is the top 15% according to Census Data)

Edit: BTW, I think it's fair to say you don't like it bardicverse was not telling the truth.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.