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Nice, love this opening. Suits the english Symphonia style! =P

What's with the world map though?

Also, I like this: ''If you didn't play Symphonia on GameCube, don't automatically write this one off. For starters, the first game isn't a bad one to just go pick up, since the Wii is backwards compatible, and you could find a used (or new, for that matter) copy of the game for around $20 if you do some digging. If that isn't something you're ready to do though, or if - like us - you played Symphonia so long ago that the story of Lloyd Irving and his team of friends sent on a quest to regenerate the world is nothing but a clouded memory, you've got little to worry about, as the Dawn of the New world does a nice job of setting up the context of the story, re-capping everything from the first game, and putting you into a world that doesn't necessarily expect you to know everything right off the bat [...]''

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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