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a12331 said:

This is a nice list but most people dont buy the 70 dollar hdmi cables. People may be stupid but not that stupid. Also the ps3 is meant for the upper-class people, people who have money as it is priced 400. The xbox 360 is now priced 199, which is mass market. So after the person buys the 360, they have an option for a hard drive if they choose. When they hook it up to their tv, they get stunned by the visuals of halo 3 and gears of war. After telling their friends that they bought an 360, their friends say get xbox live, so he or she does. Now after they get xbox live they figure out that their 360 is not wireless, so they have to hook it to their router or buy the adapter for $70. After all of this they have to pay 199 + 100(optional) + 50(optional) + 70(optional) so they have to pay 199-419. or they could just get a ps3 with uncharted and ratchet for 400 +10 to 70(optional).  

xbox 199-419. 

ps3 400-470. 

Also when you buy an hd tv, do you get and hdmi cable NO. So it isnt sony's fault to not including it.


Most people don't go online.... So therefore $200 = $200.

Most people don't buy the wireless kit - not a popular accessory so don't add it.

The online Premium = $300 = Arcade + HDD.

For people going online with HDTVs

Xbox 360 Premium with 1 years Live = $340

PS3 with HDMI cable = $425 (Store bought HDMI price)

Cost of games

Xbox 360 has cheaper games because of the deeper back catalogue. This is your biggest expense as a console owner. Or you could say its more expensive as there are far more good games to buy. Your choice really.

